Revelations of the Cross

Revelations of the Cross


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In this collection of writings from one of the most well-known theologians of the modern era, Packer strongly defends Trinitarian theology and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ against contemporary challenges. In so doing, he deals with theological issues such as atonement, justification and universalism. He calls for believers to be serious about the Holy Spirit, and his articles on this topic are valuable examples of how to apply theological beliefs to controversial issues within the church.

The articles range from short devotional pieces published in church-sponsored journals, to opinion articles for popular journals like Christianity Today, to major articles for scholarly journals.

1. The Trinity and the Gospel
2. On Covenant Theology
3. Jesus Christ the Lord
4. Jesus Christ: the Only Saviour
5. The Lamb Upon His Throne
6. A Modern View of Jesus
7. The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
8. What Did the Cross Achieve?
9. Sacrifice and Satisfaction
10. Justification: Introductory Essay
11. The Love of God: Universal and Particular
12. Good Pagans and God’s Kingdom
13. The Problem of Universalism Today
14. Evangelicals and the Way of Salvation
15. An Agenda for Theology
16. Shy Sovereign
17. On Being Serious About the Holy Spirit
18. The Spirit and His Work


J. I. Packer is Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology at Regent College, Vancouver. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers and apologists for Christianity in the twentieth century. He is author of numerous books, including Knowing God, Rediscovering Holiness and Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Beliefs.