The Holy Trinity
When it comes to the doctrine of the trinity, evangelicals have underachieved. In The Holy Trinity Robert Letham helps to redress this shortcoming. He offers a well-researched volume about “the One who is utterly transcendent and incomprehensible.” After examining the doctrine’s biblical foundations, Letham traces its historical development through the twentieth century, and engages four critical issues: the Trinity and (1) the incarnation, (2) worship and prayer, (3) creation and missions, and (4) persons.
Table of Contents:
Part One: Biblical Foundations
1. Old Testament Background
2. Jesus and the Father
3. The Holy Spirit and Triadic Patterns
Part Two: Historical Development
4. Early Trinitarianism
5. The Arian Controversy
6. Athanasius
7. The Cappadocians
8. The Council of Constantinople
9. Augustine
10. East and West: The Filioque Controversy
11. East and West: The Paths Diverge
12. John Calvin
Part Three: Modern Discussion
13. Karl Brath
14. Rahner, Moltmann, and Pannenberg
15. Returning East: Bulgakov, Lossky, and Staniloae
16. Thomas F. Torrance
Prat Four: Critical Issues
17. The Trinity and the Incarnation
18. The Trinity, Worship, and Prayer
19. The Trinity, Creation, and Missions
20. The Trinity and Persons
1. Gilbert Bilezikian and Bungee Jumping
2. Kevin Giles on Subordinationism
Robert Letham is senior lecturer in systematic and historical theology at Wales Evangelical School of Theology (WEST). He has advanced degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary and the University of Aberdeen.