The Living Church
What exactly is a living church?
Author John Stott explains, 'We need more radically conservative churches: "conservative" in the sense that they conserve what Scripture plainly requires, but radical in relation to that combination of tradition and convention that we call "culture". Scripture is unchangeable, but culture is not.'
The Living Church brings together a number of characteristics of what the author calls 'authentic' or 'living' church. The marks, being clearly biblical, are timeless and need to be preserved.
We are encouraged to become learning churches, caring churches, worshipping churches and evangelising churches.
John Stott unpacks the Bible's wisdom rigorously with a teacher's skill and applies it faithfully with a pastor's heart. Becoming a living church is not an impossible goal.
The late John Stott was regarded as a key influence in modern-day Christianity whose work has shaped the faith of a generation. Alongside a worldwide teaching and preaching ministry, he founded the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity and was Rector of All Souls, Langham Place