In Christ, In Colossae

In Christ, In Colossae


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In this book Derek Tidball takes the reader through a number of sociological models and engages with Paul's Letter to the Colossians. He examines such topics as conversion, identity, the social construction of belief and institution, and Christian ethics. Finally, he discerns the church as a reading community.

The purpose of the book is to apply major sociological discussions of the New Testament to the letter of Colossians with the objectives of (a) introducing those who do not know the rich literature on the sociology of the New Testament to some concrete examples of it and the illumination it provides; (b) providing a systematic sociological approach to Colossians; and (c) engaging with and evaluating the scattered discussion that has been held with regard to Colossians. The result is a rich engagement with the Letter to the Colossians and an encouragement to look again at our own Christian communities.


Derek Tidball
Derek Tidball is Visiting Scholar at Spurgeon's College, London. Previously, he served as Principal of the London School of Theology, as pastor of two Baptist Churches, as a tutor at London School of Theology, and as head of the mission department of the Baptist Union. Currently he is Vice-President of the Evangelical Alliance and Visiting Scholar at Spurgeon's College.

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