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NSBT: Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?
NSBT: Answering the Psalmist’s Perplexity
NSBT: God's Unfaithful Wife
NSBT: Now My Eyes Have Seen You
NSBT: The Temple and the Church's Mission
NSBT: Covenant and Commandment
NSBT: Biblical Theology According to the Apostles
NSBT: The Royal Priest
NSBT: The Servant Lord and His Servant People
Original Sin
NSBT: From Every People and Nation
NSBT: Dominion and Dynasty
Contagious Holiness
NSBT: Adopted into God's Family
Changed into His Likeness (NSBT)
NSBT: Salvation to the Ends of the Earth
Possessed by God
NSBT: Slave of Christ
NSBT: A Clear and Present Word
NSBT: God the Peacemaker
The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus
NSBT: The God Who Makes Himself Known
NSBT: With the Clouds of Heaven
The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom
The Cross from a Distance
Death and the Afterlife
NSBT: The Feasts of Repentance
Jesus and the Logic of History
Hear, My Son
NSBT: Now Choose Life
Neither Poverty nor Riches
NSBT: Christ, Our Righteousness