Bible Matters
- Feel like you're missing something when you read the Bible?
- Bible Matters is a tool to help you hear how God speaks through the Bible
- Feel excited about God's word, like you're reading it for the first time again
Of course the Bible matters. It is God's word to us. It shows is how to please him. But how can we access its message.
The author creates a sense of expectation so that reading the Bible becomes a Spirit-filled experience as we listen to the God of the universe speaking - amazingly - to us, to me, each day. The Bible is a living word where we encounter God. It is clear word - we can understand it, with the help of God's Holy Spirit. It is an intentional word, for God wants to achieve something through it in our lives. And it is a sufficient word, equipping is thoroughly for how we need to live.
The Bible is a personal letter, medicine, a battle cry, a love sorry. And so, so much more.
This book will enthuse you, even in those times when the experience of reading the Bible feels like hard work. The God of the universe is speaking to us intimately and personally today.
Tim Chester