Facing Lions
The Bible says that the devil, who is the adversary of all Christians, prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He wants to bring down God's people whenever he can.
So let's meet some men and women of the early church who stood up to this lion and his followers. They faced down persecution and stood up for the truth of Christ.Characters included: Apostle John; Polycarp; Blandina; Constantine; Arius; Athanasius; Anthony
About J. R. Williamson
James Williamson lives in Lusaka, Zambia and is married to Megan. They have six children ? three boys and three girls. James loves watching movies with his kids and exploring nature.
About R. M. Freedman
Rebekah Freedman is from Louisville, Kentucky. She enjoys reading and writing historical fiction, particularly from the Jane Austin era.