EP Study Commentary - Genesis (Vol. 1)

EP Study Commentary - Genesis (Vol. 1)

EP Books

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Genesis is a book about beginnings the creation of the universe, the formation of mankind, the establishment of the covenant and the founding of the people of Israel. Many Christians regard the Old Testament as merely a collection of interesting stories to be taught in Sunday school, but which have little application for the church today except as providing examples or illustrations from a bygone, almost barbarous, age. The truth is that almost every important church doctrine is found in 'seed' form in the book of Genesis; creation, fall, redemption, the doctrine of the Trinity, the promise of the Messiah, the establishment of the covenant and the hope of the resurrection are all to be found here. A 'seed' is planted in Genesis and then it sprouts and grows throughout the rest of the Bible until it finds its fruition in the person and work of Jesus Christ. God created the universe; it fell through the sin of humanity; and now God is in the process of redeeming it through the work of Christ. This latter work continues even now until the time of the end when all things will be put in their final place. Dr Currid provides solid exegesis in an accessible way, matched with practical application that displays the relevance of this Old Testament book for the twenty-first century. This volume covers the period from the creation up to the death of Abraham and the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.


About the Author

Dr John D. Currid is Carl McMurray Professor of Old Testament at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. In addition to being Series Editor of the EP Study Commentaries and Welwyn Commentaries, he is author of the EP Study Commentaries on the Pentateuch and Welwyn Commentaries on Joshua, Ruth and Habakkuk.