In Remembrance of Him
The two seventeenth-century essays translated and offered in this book were originally designed to help people of the Dutch Further Reformation derive the greatest benefit from celebrating the Lord’s Supper. Guilelmus Saldenus’s The Efficacy of the Lord’s Supper concentrates on the joy received in celebrating the sacrament and the sanctified living that it ought to generate. Wilhelmus à Brakel’s Edifying Discourses instructs believers in preparing their hearts for the celebration, participating in the Supper responsibly, and following up the meal in a spiritually beneficial manner. These contributions are but two examples of a much larger genre of edifying Lord’s Supper literature that developed in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century.
Series Description
Classics of Reformed Spirituality Series offers fresh translations of key writings from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, making them accessible to the twenty-first century church. These writings from the "Further Reformation" in the Netherlands offer a balance of doctrine and piety, a mingling of theology and life that has seldom been equaled in the history of Christianity. Each book in this series will provide invaluable insights into a vibrant part of the Christian heritage.
Guilelmus Saldenus (1627–1694) and Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635–1711) were leading pastors during the middle years of the Dutch Further Reformation.
Wilhemus a Brakel (1635-1711) were leading pastors during the middle years of the Dutch Further Reformation.
BARTEL ELSHOUT is pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Chilliwack, British Columbia, and a translator of Dutch Reformed classics into English.
James A. De Jong is Emeritus President and Professor of Historical Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary.