Men of the Burning Heart

Men of the Burning Heart

Knox Press (Edinburgh)

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Short biographical Sketches of key individuals in the Christian faith.

Whether or not it be the case that "history is the essence of innumerable biographies", it is undeniable that history and biography are inextricably interwoven; furthermore, that in the making of history, Church history in particular, nonentities have emerged as celebrities. And God's purpose in so arranging is, as the Apostle Paul reminds us, that the Church should be seen as "His work-manship", and that "no flesh should glory in His presence"

The men who appear in the following pages differed in many respects; in background, in outlook, in temperament; in social and academic standing. But they were all pilgrims of the Emmaus Road; men whose hearts had burned within them as the risen Christ talked with them by the way and opened to them the Scriptures; men who felt the urge to return and tell others "what things were done in the way".

May the same warmth, and the same resultant urge, come to the hearts of all who hear their testimony.

G. N. M. Collins.

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