NICNT: Paul's Letter to The Philippians
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New Testament scholar, ground breaking textual critic, and editor of the NICNT series, Gordon D. Fee offers us comprehensive, accessible, and eminently readable commentary on one of Paul's most personal letters in, The Letter to the Philippians [NICNT].
Fee provides us with an insightful comparison of Philippians to two types of letters in the Greco-Roman world, friendship letters and letters of moral exhortation, and masterfully unpacks how the letter's format impact its content and message. Fee argues that Philippians has both exhortatory and friendship elements, but ultimately the letter is a powerful expression of exhortation.
Again here, as with many of Fee's commentaries the Introduction is exemplary and worthy of publication on its own merits-and the quality of the entire commentary follows suit
Fee provides us with an insightful comparison of Philippians to two types of letters in the Greco-Roman world, friendship letters and letters of moral exhortation, and masterfully unpacks how the letter's format impact its content and message. Fee argues that Philippians has both exhortatory and friendship elements, but ultimately the letter is a powerful expression of exhortation.
Again here, as with many of Fee's commentaries the Introduction is exemplary and worthy of publication on its own merits-and the quality of the entire commentary follows suit