“Austin Walker has produced a fine and much needed account of the theology of Robert Hall Jr., showing both the evangelical faithfulness and piety of the man, but also the doctrinal and homiletical emphases which, Austin cogently argues, contributed to the downgrade of Calvinistic distinctives among Baptists in the nineteenth century. Highly recommended for all interested in Baptist history and in the health and vigour of Baptist churches today.” ~ Dr Robert Strivens, Pastor of Bradford on Avon Baptist Church and Prof of Church History, IRBS UK
“Austin Walker’s The Theology of Robert Hall is an important contribution to our understanding of Particular Baptist history. Relying on extensive primary sources, it demonstrates how one of the most gifted ministers of the early nineteenth century, Robert Hall, the son of a Particular Baptist stalwart, drifted away from the careful orthodoxy of his father and opened the door for loose doctrinal views in the following generations. It serves as a warning to those who treat orthodox confessional commitments as unimportant. Great gifts detached from theological faithfulness are a hindrance rather than a help to the church. Let us take heed.” ~ Prof. James M. Renihan, President, IRBS
“Austin Walker’s excellent, even compelling, study of Robert Hall Jr. is a cautionary tale for serious Christians, pastors above all, to take to heart. Reformed Christians too readily ignore the influence the intellectual and philosophical atmosphere of the times can have on orthodox Christian faith and practice. The righteous desire to preach the gospel relevantly into the times we live in, can only be too easily shaped by the times. Relevance becomes the compelling desideratum and truth becomes a casualty. Walker’s careful analysis of Hall’s drift from and then departure from foundational biblical truths concerning the work of Christ, truly is a cautionary tale. This is a most readable and engaging piece of historical-theological research. Most encouraging for myself, it is written by a pastor, not an academic. Walker’s work exemplifies Martin Bucer’s conviction (one that Calvin epitomized) that true theology is not theoretical, it is practical. The end of it is living, that is to live a godly life. I am delighted warmly and enthusiastically to commend Pastor Walker’s book.” ~ Prof. Ian Hamilton, President, Westminster Seminary UK
“This is a work that has long been needed. Although Robert Hall is largely forgotten his influence lives on and needs to be addressed… Robert Hall possessed outstanding gifts as an orator as well as being a brilliant conversationist… A powerful advocate of causes that he chose to support, but a scathing critic of those he rejected, Hall rose to prominence at a time when English Dissenters were attracted by the preaching of experience but were isolating it from its doctrinal roots… Hall was dismissive of confessions of faith and of doctrinal precision. He was a significant promoter of the movement that weakened the distinction between Calvinistic and Arminian Baptists and in the end enervated Evangelical Christianity in the face of Apostacy. I welcome and strongly recommend Austin Walker’s meticulously researched and powerfully written work.” ~ Dr Robert Oliver, Retired Pastor and Author