WCS - Lamentations
Lamentations is not familiar territory for many Christians, yet it deals searchingly with abiding themes such as the spiritual glory of the church and the tragedy when this is lost. It is a book that speaks directly to the confused Christianity and evangelicalism of our present day. The author applies the lessons of backsliding Judah to contemporary Christianity, reminding us of God ‘s love.
Richard Brooks’ warm and pastoral exposition reminds members of the church of Christ to examine themselves and take encouragement. ‘Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.’
‘This book will stimulate holy living and prove useful as an introduction for those who have never grappled with Lamentations.’ Banner of Truth
About the Author:
Richard Brooks studied theology at Cambridge and trained for the ministry in Bristol before pastoring in York and Derbyshire.