Crown Him Lord of All: Essays on the Life and Witness of the Free Church Of Scotland

Crown Him Lord of All: Essays on the Life and Witness of the Free Church Of Scotland

The Knox Press Edinburgh

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On the 18th of May 1843 an event took place which stirred the populace of Scotland as few events before or since have done. This was the separation from the Church of Scotland of a significant proportion of its ministers, elders and people form the Free Church of Scotland. The disruption was the culmination of a conflict arising from the interference of the state in the calling and settling of ministers in congregations. What was at stake was the spiritual independence of the church and, as this independence was a gift of the Lord himself and subject always and ultimately only to his authority, it’s annulment was seen as defiance of the ‘Crown Rights of Jesus’. Just as the Covenanters in earlier days had contended ‘For Christ’s Crown and Covenant’ so the leaders of the free Church felt bound to proclaim the Crown Rights of Jesus in his church.

This collection of essays (first published in 1993) gives some account of the history and contemporary activities of the Free Church. The church looks to its sole king and Head and prosecutes it’s various enterprises in reliance upon his grace, provision and guidance.

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